Everyone wants a bigger space, but when it comes to decorating, most spaces end up looking too cold because they weren’t planned out. Therefore, it is essential to recognize and understand that merely placing the finest furniture in a huge room is not sufficient to make it fascinating. Wondering how to make a large living room look COZY?

So, if you are one of those people who has recently purchased a larger home and is looking for tips on how to make a large space feel more like a cozy house, you have stumbled across the right place. To help homeowners get started, we’ve listed several ideas to make living room look bigger and also make a large living room look COZY.

make a large living room look COSY

Stick With Warm Colors 

Choosing a warm color palette is the simplest way to make a large room cozy and give it a welcoming atmosphere. Colors like red, brown, burgundy, and others found toward the warmer end of the color wheel are considered “warm.” One of the most fundamental rules of color psychology is triggered when these colors are applied to a sizable room: establishing a sense of stability and comfort.


To Make a Large Living Room Look COZY, Make a Statement with Your Design 

An overabundance of decoration can be too much in a small room, but it works perfectly in a large one. A bold red tufted sofa, a printed rug, elegant chandelier lighting, and an assortment of decorative dining tables make a large living room look COZY and absolutely stunning. Use complementary colors and tones, such as a red living room couch, coral throw pillows, and a colored light fixture, to create a unified space.

use rugs as decor to make a living room look cosy

Use Rugs as Décor

Do you want to make a large living room feel cozy? The addition of carpeting or rugs to a large room instantly elevates the level of coziness there and make a living room look bigger. They not only have a visually discordant texture, but they also convey an inviting vibe that will soften the hard edges of any large room. Rugs can also be used to make a large room look more modern and chic. What’s more, they come in a wide variety of designs, from modern to classic and beyond.

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Ensure Proper Lighting

It’s pointless to have a large cozy living room if the furniture in the darkest corners blends into the wall. If you want to make a large living room look COZY, keep in mind the importance of lighting while conceptualizing large-scale design projects. Modern pendant lights above the sofa and gallery lighting along one wall give equal lighting to the entire space.


Make a Focal Point

Whether a room is little or huge, it’s always helpful to have something that draws the eye as soon as someone enters. In addition, a focal point helps with meaningful furniture and accessory arrangements in elegant large living rooms. For instance, a tall, floor-to-ceiling bookcase, a single, fantastic armchair, a floor lamp, and plush carpeting.


Decorations Made of Wood

With its inherent beauty and warmth, wood is an excellent choice for decor to make a room look bigger. Wooden accessories, both big and little, can be used to decorate a room and make it feel homier. Warmth is increased by the presence of a wooden floor. They are the very definition of cool and hip. If you find the cost of hardwood flooring to be prohibitive, cheaper options like laminates and tiles are available.

use long furniture to make a living room look cosy

Use Long Furniture 


Does a room look bigger with furniture? Well, of course. If your living room is already large, you can play with proportions by adding furniture that make the area seem even longer. Your big living area is further enhanced by the addition of things that make a room look bigger are: a long console, couch, and accessories like a long fireplace. This idea is not suitable to make small living room look bigger.

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Pair the Furniture

The twin rule can be applied to make a greater impact in a larger area. In the same way that two matching ottomans can be used in place of a single coffee table when space is at a premium, two area rugs can be used to demarcate two distinct conversation areas when a single carpet just won’t do. The goal is to make a stronger statement by coordinating the many pieces of furniture and accents into a unified whole.


Don’t Push Furniture Toward Walls to Make a Large Living Room Look COZY

Though pushing furniture against the wall can help a small or medium-sized room feel more open, doing so in a large room will make it look cluttered and disordered and it cannot make a large living room look COZY. To make more use of the room, turn the sofa so that it faces a different wall, and put a console table or artwork against the empty wall behind it.


Bottom Line

These were our top choices to make a large living room look COZY and astonishing. If you had any questions regarding them, be sure to contact us and check the living room design in Dubai page.


One Comment

  1. Lea November 30, 2022 at 11:44 am - Reply

    Wood and warm colors … good ideas. Thanks for article.

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